Operation Osceola
By IceCreamMan (cache page)

This was the first event we ever went to, where we first met all the great cachers in this area, and where we first introduced ourselves as the CacherCrashers. This was right before Tony left for his deployment, so we were lucky that he was still here to be able to go. The only person I had known before this event was Caraloopy because we had gone caching a few times together, besides her, we knew no one. In this event we drove all around Osceola National Forest with everyone, and hiked to caches together. This forest is so beautiful, and it was our first chance to see the natural state of land around here. Tony even had a chance to take our 2WD "four wheeling," and that was fun. All in all it was a great day to spend together for Tony and me before he left.
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