Today, MrCC, Lil' Sunshine, and I joined a group of cachers to find
Pirate's Booty: The Plunder. The Pirate's Booty series was a blast! We haven't had a full day of caching in a long time, and we weren't sure how Lil' Sunshine was going to handle it, but surprisingly she was really good! There were 12 caches in all, one being a letterbox (our first one!!!) and another being a multi. There were lots of ammo cans, a few micros in the multi, and the final was HUGE! There was a nice long hike, beautiful scenery, and lots of excitement. Today was filled with everything that geocaching is all about.
Looking for the last stage of the multi: StressMaster & Stressboys, MrSuzyQ, GeoJoeChuck , April of Eason Trio, and MrCC.

Enjoying the hike to the letterbox cache. It was sunny and beautiful! Thankfully the bugs weren't too bad... there were a few, but not nearly as bad as it will get as summer gets here.

Lil' Sunshine taking a break with Caraloopy, and playing with her geoswag treasure that GeoJoeChuck shared with her.

One of about ten or so baby gators that we saw while looking for a different cache (we didn't find it). We watched the tiny gators, and the boys, of course, did more than watch... trying to get their attention finally worked when they called for their momma....

...... and then she appeared! Nobody messes with her babies! She made a quick splash and hit a nearby log as a warning... then a few minutes later she appeared again near her mudslide... MrCC got a little closer than I would of liked for this picture:

All in all, we had so much fun! I'll post some more scenic pictures in another post. This was actually the first series we've ever finished completely! and finding all of them brought us up to 674! only 26 til the next milestone! woohoo!
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