MEFF= Most Esteemed First Finder aka First to Find
A Fish Called Helen by DuckBandits
Woohoo!!! Tuesday night I was surfing and I noticed a new geocache not far away from us. It had been approved on the 2nd, and it was STILL unfound! (which is unusual in this area) So, I decided that Wednesday, I would get up early with the hubby and take him to work so that I could keep the car and go search for the cache. Well, Wednesday morning came sooner than I thought, and I happily agreed when MrCC offered to bring the car home at lunch time. Well, that plan didn't happen, and since he had duty he didn't get to come home until this afternoon.
Around lunch time I was chatting with Stressmaster, and I told him about the new cache. He asked for the coords, and so I gave them to him, not even knowing he was about to get off of work. LOL... So he said, "Allright, I'm gonna go, I have to run by that way anyway, so I'm going to go try to find it." I gave him a hard time about going to go look for it when I wanted to go MEFF it. :) He offered to come pick me up, but I didn't have the carseat, otherwise I would of accepted. After a little while longer, the phone rang. I picked it up, and it was Stress. I thought he had called to tell me all about the cache, lol, but really he was calling me to tell me he couldn't go by the park and I still had a chance to meff it. :) Maybe he just wanted to be nice... lol.

So, we drove into the park, found the spot, and I got out and looked for it. It was a quick find. I brought the ammo can back to the car to search through the contents. I grabbed one of DuckBandits' little duckies and left one CacherCrashers sig token and one Lil' Sunshine sig token. They had a really nice log book, one of those rain proof ones you can buy online, so I stood for a minute writing a paragraph to fill our space. Put the cache back, and enjoyed the scenery for a few minutes, and took a few pictures before getting back into the car and heading home. YAY! This was our first meff in a long time! woohoo!
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