Finally... a cache fix!
We were finally able to find a cache a few weeks ago. I was so excited! The first we attempted was Ai caduti di Motta which was a virtual of a WWII memorial statue. Tony stayed in the car with sleeping Lil Sunshine and I braved the walk up to the monument. I say braved because it is highly unusual to see a girl walking in the neighborhoods of Italy on her own. I wish I had taken my camera with me to take a few pictures, but I didn't want to walk back to the car and back to the cache again as all the town's men who were sitting outside their businesses were watching me. Although, it probably would have helped make me just look more of a tourist. hehe... Afterwards, we went to find WWII - Motta S. Anastasia Pillboxes which is an area that we drive near at least once a month, but for some reason, we couldn't figure out which road to take to get to the cache! So we kept ending up on the autostrada (highway) and had to drive 6 miles before we could turn around! lol... we ended up doing that about 3 times until we Tony finally noticed a bridge we hadn't tried going over... and what do ya know? hehe... so we found the cache fairly easy. It is located near a German Pillbox that was used in the war. Looking at the beautiful surroundings, it's hard to imagine war going on in the area: