Sunday, April 30, 2006

racked up 25 more today

Today I went out caching with my usual crew, Stressmaster, his boys, and Caraloopy. MrCC stayed at home with Lil' Sunshine, so I was able to cache nonstop with no worries. We had a blast! Half of the caches we were all racing eachother to get to it first. lol... it was hilarious. One was King of the Hill by sights2c and while we were all racing to get to the top of a huge hill, Stress decided to cheat and pushed me to the side. lol CHEATER FACE! hehe.

I started taking notes at each cache again. I used to do it all the time when I first started caching, so that I could remember which cache was which, and what happened at each one, so that I could write a semi interesting log. So, that made logging my finds take a couple of hours, but it was worth it.

I meant to take some pictures... but I was too caught up in racing to and looking for the caches. lol But now I'm up to 727! With a month to go before we leave Florida, and a few weeks in Texas... maybe I can try to get closer to 800 before we head to Italy. :)

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Saturday I reached 700! woohoo! I had a blast. MrCC stayed home with the baby, since he's not so much into caching with me anymore, but that's okay because it was nice to not have to worry about the baby for a whole day! I had Loopy and Stress to keep me company though. And they were so nice to navigate around town helping me get to 19 caches that I needed in order to do Claustrophobia as #700. It was so much fun.

I've had Claustrophobia on my to do list for probably over a year now, and have been wanting to do it for a milestone cache... well, probably for the last 3 milestones, lol. And now I can say I survived it. Stressmaster is mean when it comes to caching... evil is how most describe him. He really puts you to the test. In this cache, you face your fear of being inside small, dark, possibly water and spider filled spaces to get the clue for the next stage. Quite a challenge. The first time, Loopy went in first, because frankly I was too chicken, so I followed her. But on the second and third times we had to do it, I mustered up the courage to go in.

Claustrophobia was definately the highlight of the day, but I also found some awesome camo jobs part of the Serial Finder series, walked through some pretty parks, some more Stress Evilness, and of course made a bunch of quick grab-n-goes. After all the stages, and a full day of caching, we were exhausted, but it was so worth it. This pic is me trying to cross a fallen tree to get to Serial Finder 9. :)

And here is another reason why Stress is so mean:

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Big Plans for the Weekend

Yesterday, Lil' Sunshine and I went out for a few caches with Caraloopy. We looked for about 6 but only found 4. Two, we dnf'ed, both we think are missing, but aren't sure. Anyway, we Meffed a new one at the beach. So that was fun, and Lil' Sunshine loved the walk out there. With those finds, we are now at 680 and Lil' Sunshine's up to 180. We both need 20 to get to our next milestone. So, Friday I'm planning to meet up with Loopy again to get as many as possible near her place. Then on Saturday we plan on getting together with Loopy and Stress and doing Claustrophobia, which is a long multi that has been on our Goal List forever! and it would be an awesome milestone cache. So, I'm looking foward to it. :D

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

some caching with a baby humor

Lil' Sunshine's log for Popeye Series: Popeye by Marine Biologist:

Gosh! Are we DONE YET!?! I was so fussy by the time Mommy found this one, I was beyond READY to go home... and then they decide to get FOOD? GOSH!!! geez... hello? I'm P'Oed. Let's go home... but after I make sure you definately signed my name too. Yeah? ok, let's go! :) TFTH!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


MEFF= Most Esteemed First Finder aka First to Find

A Fish Called Helen by DuckBandits

Woohoo!!! Tuesday night I was surfing and I noticed a new geocache not far away from us. It had been approved on the 2nd, and it was STILL unfound! (which is unusual in this area) So, I decided that Wednesday, I would get up early with the hubby and take him to work so that I could keep the car and go search for the cache. Well, Wednesday morning came sooner than I thought, and I happily agreed when MrCC offered to bring the car home at lunch time. Well, that plan didn't happen, and since he had duty he didn't get to come home until this afternoon.

Around lunch time I was chatting with Stressmaster, and I told him about the new cache. He asked for the coords, and so I gave them to him, not even knowing he was about to get off of work. LOL... So he said, "Allright, I'm gonna go, I have to run by that way anyway, so I'm going to go try to find it." I gave him a hard time about going to go look for it when I wanted to go MEFF it. :) He offered to come pick me up, but I didn't have the carseat, otherwise I would of accepted. After a little while longer, the phone rang. I picked it up, and it was Stress. I thought he had called to tell me all about the cache, lol, but really he was calling me to tell me he couldn't go by the park and I still had a chance to meff it. :) Maybe he just wanted to be nice... lol.
So after a long day, a long night, and another long day, MrCC finally got home. Surprisingly, he was still willing to go with me to find this cache. :D Do I have a keeper or what? We knew the park area because we had found a few caches there already, and even hid one there, but we've already archived it since we'll be moving soon. It's a really pretty area, right on the river, perfect for fishing, which we've done once there before. Boy were there plenty of fishermen out today! But thankfully, none near the cache's area.

So, we drove into the park, found the spot, and I got out and looked for it. It was a quick find. I brought the ammo can back to the car to search through the contents. I grabbed one of DuckBandits' little duckies and left one CacherCrashers sig token and one Lil' Sunshine sig token. They had a really nice log book, one of those rain proof ones you can buy online, so I stood for a minute writing a paragraph to fill our space. Put the cache back, and enjoyed the scenery for a few minutes, and took a few pictures before getting back into the car and heading home. YAY! This was our first meff in a long time! woohoo!
We LOVE Geocaching!!!

Our Caching Stats

Last night I was chatting with some caching buddies, and November Babies Plus 1 mentioned this FizzyMagic's FindStat program. So I checked it out, installed it, and finally got it to work. :) It analyzes all of your finds. It's so cool!

Here's what it had to say about ours:

670 unique caches.
674 finds logged.
5 DNF logs (on found caches only).
Centroid = N 30 31.945, W 81 45.497
Avg. Difficulty = 1.73
Avg. Terrain = 1.53
Avg. Challenge = 1.84
69 hard caches (10%)
2 countries
6 US states
4 multiple finds (1%)
205 (30.6%) archived
First log: 07/20/2004
Last log: 04/2/2006
Most finds: 39 on 12/11/2004
Maximum one-day distance: 2480.6 miles on 05/28/2005 *This doesn't count because it's from logging traveling caches from Geowoodstock3* :D
From N 41 28.393, W 75 37.784 to N 37 45.100, W 122 26.600
Oldest cache: #15567 (GC3CCF)
Newest cache: #365042 (GCV1MF)

Cache types:
2 ( 0.3%) Cache In Trash Out Event
1 ( 0.1%) Earthcache
17 ( 2.5%) Event Cache
1 ( 0.1%) Letterbox Hybrid
6 ( 0.9%) Locationless (Reverse) Cache
10 ( 1.5%) Multi-cache
602 (89.9%) Traditional Cache
20 ( 3.0%) Unknown Cache
9 ( 1.3%) Virtual Cache
2 ( 0.3%) Webcam Cache

5 ( 0.7%) Large
365 (54.5%) Micro
37 ( 5.5%) Not chosen
16 ( 2.4%) Other
194 (29.0%) Regular
39 ( 5.8%) Small
14 ( 2.1%) Virtual

1 in Germany
663 in United States

US States:
1 in California
647 in Florida*
1 in Georgia*
7 in Pennsylvania
5 in Texas*
2 in Utah

*physically found caches, the other states are traveling caches, etc.

Multiple Finds:
2 finds claimed on GCK1W3
2 finds claimed on GCKPX3
2 finds claimed on GCM019
2 finds claimed on GCM7K5

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

100th Trackable!

We logged our 100th trackable the other day! And what a beautiful one it was. It was:

StressMaster's Native American Geocoin

It's yet another awesome coin design by StressMaster himself. I fell in love with it when I saw it. I tried to order some for myself and my family, but we'll see if I got my order in on time. My sister and I are part Choctaw from my dad's side of the family. We also have a few other tribes in us from my mom's side, but the knowledge of which ones has been lost over the generations...

Anyway, the coin is beautiful. Great job Stress! and thanks for letting us log it! :)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Land Before Time

Found this one, too, while taking a detour away from the Pirate's Booty Series. Lot's of fun! :D I also forgot to mention in my last post, that I took two geocoins from the "treasure pile" to help them on their adventures. They each have their own icon too, so that's cool. Picked up a "Not another Micro!" Geocoin and a "Bluebonnet" Geocoin. :D

*also added a few pics to March 25th entry. :)

Pirate's Booty Scenery...

Hunting for the Pirate's Booty

Today, MrCC, Lil' Sunshine, and I joined a group of cachers to find Pirate's Booty: The Plunder. The Pirate's Booty series was a blast! We haven't had a full day of caching in a long time, and we weren't sure how Lil' Sunshine was going to handle it, but surprisingly she was really good! There were 12 caches in all, one being a letterbox (our first one!!!) and another being a multi. There were lots of ammo cans, a few micros in the multi, and the final was HUGE! There was a nice long hike, beautiful scenery, and lots of excitement. Today was filled with everything that geocaching is all about.

Looking for the last stage of the multi: StressMaster & Stressboys, MrSuzyQ, GeoJoeChuck , April of Eason Trio, and MrCC.
Enjoying the hike to the letterbox cache. It was sunny and beautiful! Thankfully the bugs weren't too bad... there were a few, but not nearly as bad as it will get as summer gets here.
Lil' Sunshine taking a break with Caraloopy, and playing with her geoswag treasure that GeoJoeChuck shared with her.
One of about ten or so baby gators that we saw while looking for a different cache (we didn't find it). We watched the tiny gators, and the boys, of course, did more than watch... trying to get their attention finally worked when they called for their momma....
...... and then she appeared! Nobody messes with her babies! She made a quick splash and hit a nearby log as a warning... then a few minutes later she appeared again near her mudslide... MrCC got a little closer than I would of liked for this picture:
All in all, we had so much fun! I'll post some more scenic pictures in another post. This was actually the first series we've ever finished completely! and finding all of them brought us up to 674! only 26 til the next milestone! woohoo!