Jungle Cache
By Tyler, Alexis, and Tony (cache page)

This cache was probably our very first challenging cache that we've claimed. I was five months pregnant at the time and did this cache with Caraloopy, Stressmaster, and the StressBoys. This cache is in the middle of natural Northeast Florida's forest, and you have to hike to it with no trails. The area is really pretty, and it was nice to just take in all that Nature has to offer. We even saw a tree that looked like it had been struck by lightening. That was interesting. The thing that made the hike tiring was having to push through all the natural plants and vegetation, and stepping over fallen trees and under vines. That's what gave me the workout... I don't even know how long the hike turned out to be, but after we found the cache, the StressBoys still had enough energy to be little monkeys and climb trees. I didn't even have 5% energy left in me that they had, but finding this cache was very challenging and really rewarding.