Not for the Vertically Challenged

The caching with November Babies Plus 1 today started out great. We started at one hidden by a Sweet Tomatoes, so we had lunch... yummy... then every cache we were hitting, we were finding! Then we made our way to Hail to the Chief- G by Macleod1, a cache that I have tried to find several times and never succeeded.... until today that is. It happened to be on NB+1's list of ones to hit, and I thought, "ugh... that cache... I'm NEVER going to find that cache."
We pulled up to the spot, and looked around, checking for muggles... no one, so we started to look. We thought about the hint (the title of this post)... and knew we were probably going to have trouble. I'm 5 foot 4 in, and NB+1 is a tad bit taller than me... "But, I don't know because I made MrCC look for it sine he's way taller than me," I told her. We continued looking anyway, we knew it had to be in this palm tree... we knew it... it felt like forever that we were looking for it, and finally, we kind of both gave up at the same time.
As I was getting into the car, I looked up at the tree, one last time in defeat.... and then, I caught a glimpse if something dark poking out of one of the palm branch things... could it be? yes! it was the cache!!! "I see it!" I yelled.
Wow. This cache was way up there, there was no way we were going to be able to get it... but we tried anyway. I stacked my two trade item containers at the base if the tree, hoping it would make me tall enough... not only was I still too short, they gave out and I slipped off of them... ugh! I was so close... kinda... lol...
I then decided I was not leaving without this cache. I had tried half a dozen too many times without finding it. "I'm going into the store to see if they'll let me borrow a stepstool," I said and then marched into the business with a mission.
I asked a girl. She looked at me funny, and then asked, "Well, where are you going to be?"
"Just right there in the parking lot." She didn't ask any more questions, and brought me a nice step stool for us vertically challenged. It was just the height I needed to grasp the cache... It was mine! I had finally found this cache!!! I was so excited! It was definately an adventure I won't forget anytime soon.