Today, I went along with November Babies Plus 1 to help hide a few caches and of course find a few others too. :) She had some really good hides ready to place. I'm glad I went along. I found four caches, so with NB+1's 4... today's total was 8. yay! I also got to grab alot of her coins for a few new icons on my stats page. :D yay again! Marking a waypoint:
One of the caches I found was (subscriber only) BC: Wooden Lake Reflections by DigitalTangent. I found it pretty quickly, but only because I've grown used to Stress' evil camo, lol.... but now it seems, StressMaster has some competetion running around nowadays... greeeaaattt..... haha. Seriously, though, this cache was freakin awesome. I can see how so many have glanced right over it. The cache's surroundings were beautiful as well, a nice lake with some wooded area around it. Very peaceful, and it was a superb day to enjoy the sight. Admiring the camo:

Pics by November Babies Plus 1 :)
Carlee especially enjoyed the nice day out. She was very good all day, being quite happy with the walks outside. She never even got cranky until the very end of the caching day.... maybe she's getting old enough for us to be able to go caching more? hopefully! lol...
I also released a new travel bug... Shoe...well, it's not new, we've had it for a looong time, but I finally placed it. I chose one of NB+1's new caches to start it out in, and it's already been picked up! yay!
I had temporarily forgotten why I love everything about caching.... and this past week pretty much reminded me of everything... :)